★ “An exceptional book about Ramadan that celebrates the breaking of the daily fast and the sharing of the transcendent power of food.” -- School Library Journal In the houses of Rahma Road are people from all over the world. Some are fasting for Ramadan, and some are not. But the annual potluck iftar is something they all attend. Who would miss the grandest, tastiest, most delicious meal of the year? From chicken tikka to roti bom, each house is planning on bringing something to share. The result? A feast of food from around the world! Travel from house to house on Rahma Road to see what everyone's making (and even take a glimpse at the recipes to make them yourself!)
- Includes 25 globally inspired recipes throughout the book
- A Ramadan book that helps kids choose recipes for family and community iftars
- Endnotes include information about Ramadan and additional recipes from each character's kitchen