An upbeat ode to setting and respecting personal boundaries
It’s time for a birthday party! On this happy occasion, a friend arrives with hugs for everybody: in greeting, as a way to celebrate perfectly pinning the tail on the donkey and cracking open the piñata, and of course to wish a happy birthday.
But not everybody wants a hug—and that’s okay! One child prefers to wave hello, and one likes to celebrate with high fives. One even suggests a silly, super-secret handshake that ends with a surprise magic trick. But wait! Are magic tricks for everybody? It turns out, they aren’t for the bunny, who prefers not to disappear. An even sweeter ending? Delicious birthday cake for everyone to enjoy.
The delightful cast of characters from Pink Is for Everybody comes together again in this affirming story about setting and respecting body boundaries. This book cheerfully imparts that there are lots of ways, hugs and otherwise, to say hello, hooray, and happy birthday!